Custom Dyed Discs
& More

Disc Dye Gallery
In No Particular Order, Discs I have dyed for myself and others.
Over a decade of dying discs, and still learning with each disc.

dyerdiscgolf.com: Custom Dyed Discs and more
Dare to stand out, be different
dyerdiscgolf.com came about out of a desire to differentiate my personal discs from other players discs.
A lot of players have similar molds and even the same colors,
what if you could be throwing one of a kind instantly recognizable, not to mention beautiful discs?
What if you wanted something custom on your disc?
Have a special idea for a disc?
Contact me at disc.dyer@gmail.com to discuss options

“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”

No two dyes are alike
Throw a piece of art
Embracing the random is a part of dying discs, you can try to geuss the outcome of a dye and be pleasantly surprised or it could be a little different than you were hoping for. At dyerdiscgolf.com you will find truly unique dyed discs in a variety of manufacturers and molds.