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Origin story of Dyer Disc Golf

Ideas becoming reality

I love disc golf.

It has been a journey to discovering my passion for so many things in life, like art, teaching, and getting new discs into players hands.

I started playing disc golf because i worked near a park that had a course.  Id never seen anyone at the park as it was in the middle of a very very small town with very little population. I started playing on my lunch hour, which turned into getting the rest of my coworkers to try it out with me. This is where i learned that i love to teach disc golf to new players, and also how it feels to match the player to the right disc

for their throwing style.  I ventured into TD'ing events such as the Circuit Challenge, and Space Race.

Then i discovered disc dying.

After years of trying to get solid results, I have been following this muse to this,

Now I can share my passion with everyone.

And make their bag a little prettier.


Dyer Disc Golf Is the first official Sponsor of the Boise State University Disc Golf Team!

Catch me at Their events selling discs!


Head Disc Dyer, chief cook, bottle washer.

Dick Dyer

I have been dying discs for going on twelve years now, still learning new and amazing ways to create art.  Stencil dying was my original impetus, I wanted my discs to have images I like and reflect my HUMOR. Now it's evolved into making beautiful art on flying discs.

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